Orders can be cancelled with more than 24 hours notice with no penalty.
Let Them Eat will prioritise supplying your order exactly as requested. However, in the event of any unavailability, we will attempt to contact you to arrange an alternative. If we cannot reach you, Let Them Eat will supply an alternative item that is of the same or greater value as the original item. Menu items and prices are subject to change without notice or consent.
Our items are all hand made and all care is taken to ensure uniformity and weights – however, this is an approximation only.
Trading Terms
Payment in full is required prior to or at the time of delivery unless a credit application has been completed and approved.
Food Safety
All food is supplied freshly prepared and heated or chilled from our refrigerated vehicle. Hot food is to be eaten within two hours of delivery; cold or room temperature food can be consumed within 4 hours of delivery. Please discard any leftover food at this time.
Self Served
Menu is designed for a delivered service and self served after this – staffing can be booked if required. Hot food is freshly prepared, heated and delivered within the time frame and is lovely eaten at room temperature.